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Rent (Result)

Talsu nov., Laucienes pag.,

Auction starting price:
3.17 EUR
Cadastre number: 88700160067
Object type: Land (other)
Published 24.04.2023

Objects for rent

Name Object type Area (m2) Additional payments (€/m2 per month) Rent/starting price (€/month) Total (€/month)
Auction information
Photo and video gallery
Result: Contract
Highest bidder: Viktors Sibirjovs
Highest bid: 3,17
Contract start date: 09.05.2023
Contract end date: 08.05.2029
Auction date and time: 02.05.2023 - 03.05.2023 00:01
Application term: 02.05.2023 23:59 (expired)
Auction step: -
Security deposit: -
Maximum lease term: -
Application place: elektroniski aizpildot pieteikumu mājas lapā vai ar iesniegumu brīvā formā
Auction type: verbal
Auction round: First round
Published: 24.04.2023
Auction application
Cadastre identifier: 88700160067
Area (m2): 6400
Purpose: 01 - Agricultural land