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Sale (Result)

Alūksnes nov., Ziemera pag., Ziemeri, Mākoņi

Auction starting price:
2400 EUR
Cadastre number: 36969001094

Auction information

Auction date and time: 28.07.2022 - 31.08.2022 10:00
Application term: 31.08.2022 (expired)
Starting price: 2400 EUR
Security deposit: 240.00 EUR
Auction type: Written
Auction round: First round


Valsts SIA "Latvijas Vides, ģeoloģijas un meteoroloģijas centrs"
Name and surname: Ivars Jankovskis
Phone: +371 26653939
Contact person regarding terms and conditions of the auction - Ivars Bajārs, phone number +371 29421602, e-mail:

Property composition

Alūksnes nov., Ziemera pag., Ziemeri, Mākoņi (36969001094)
Cadastre identifier Name Conceivable part Purpose Area (m2)
Alūksnes nov., Ziemera pag., Ziemeri, Mākoņi (36969001093)
Cadastre identifier Name Conceivable part Purpose Area (m2)

Other rules

Persons who wish to participate in the auction must pay in registration fee 200 EUR in State limited Liability Company "Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre" (registration number 50103237791) account number LV25UNLA0055000617927 with a reference "Registration fee for the auction Vēju iela 14, "Mākoņi telpa Nr.1 un telpa Nr.2", Ziemeri, Ziemera pag., Alūksnes nov." and guarantee payment 10% of the starting price of the object with reference "guarantee payment for the auction "Mākoņi telpa Nr.1 un telpa Nr.2", Ziemeri, Ziemera pag., Alūksnes nov."


Result: Have bidders
Highest bidder: Marta Virza
Highest bid: 3500.00
Contract start: 16.09.2022